Some Thoughts on Animal Testing

Today I would like to bring your attention to a major issue in the cosmetics and skincare industries, among others. That is, the issue...

Today I would like to bring your attention to a major issue in the cosmetics and skincare industries, among others. That is, the issue of animal testing. Looking back on the ridiculous amount of beauty products I have purchased or owned over the years, I was completely oblivious to the number of brands and companies that test their products, or ingredients used in their products, on animals. It is only recently that I have started educating myself on the brands that do and do not undertake this type of product testing.

Now, I would just like to say that I am not a vegan. And my intention in this post is not to make people feel bad or guilty for their purchase decisions. My aim is merely to engage in the discussion of cruelty against animals through inhumane testing practises.

As someone who wants to get their hands on as many beauty-related products as possible, I also feel like I have a moral obligation to discontinue supporting brands that test on animals. Because Little Darling Life is partly a beauty blog, I wish that my conscience would let me go to town and buy all the cosmetics, with no regard for the consequences of my actions. But I just can't do that. Now that I have knowledge about the treatment of animals in these test environments, I can't help but think 'what if that was my dog?' In 2016, with all the innovation out there in the world, we do not need animals to ensure that our cosmetics and skincare are safe.

You might be thinking that because I'm not vegan, why I would have such a position on this issue. My answer to that is: I care about the welfare of ALL animals. I don't disagree that they should be a food source. But I do believe in treating animals ethically and with respect.

Animals don't have a voice. So we have to be their voice. As bloggers, as influencers, as consumers, the choices we make can have a very big impact. We can decide which brands to work with and we can decide which products we purchase. I hope that if you are not currently buying cruelty-free, you might take some time to do a little bit of research and reconsider. I'm not requesting that you turn cruelty-free tomorrow. This is relatively new territory for me as well, so even I am still navigating my way through and trying to familiarise myself more and more with cruelty-free products and brands.

What are your thoughts animal testing? Are you vegan or do you support cruelty-free brands? Let's have a discussion in the comments below.

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