Unless stated otherwise, all content on Little Darling Life is my own & is original. Therefore, it is not to be redistributed, republished, or reused without consent. All content on Little Darling Life is for informational & entertainment purposes only & is an expression of my own thoughts & opinions.

Any products or services sent to me to review will be made known at the end of the blog post as will any posts that have been sponsored. My thoughts and opinions in such cases will always remain honest and my own. I will also only review products and services that are relevant to Little Darling Life.

If you have an opportunity that you think I may be interested in, please shoot through an email: carissashelbi@gmail.com

Please note, I will only reply to emails that are relevant to the topics I post about on Little Darling Life. Also, please read through my disclaimer before contacting me.

I look forward to collaborating with you!

